Up Spring Chess Cup 2025
2025.03.12. 18:00
Maláta Bistro

The PTE OIG Sports Office will organize the PTE Chess Cup on March 12, 2025, starting at 18:00.
As in previous years, forty university citizens will have the opportunity to test their skills, and as a new feature, they can also represent their faculty/organizational unit*.
- Date: March 12, 2025, 18:00
- Location: Maláta Bisztró
- Registration: Registration is required in advance throughonline registration, which will be available from March 04 here within the event (below).
- Categories:
- Professional (Players with -FIDE- live ratings)
- Amateur (Players without -FIDE- live ratings/since January 1, 2024)
- In the Profi category, only the first 8 players' registrationscan be accepted.
- In the Amateur category, only the first 32 players' registrations can be accepted.
- Registration Deadline: March 11, 2025 12:00
Participation in the tournament is FREE.
Tournament Regulations:
- Game Time: 7-7 minute blitz games (without bonus time).
- System:
- Professional category: Round-robin system.
- Amateur category: 7-round Swiss system.
- Tie-breaking (for places 1-3):
- Head-to-head result.
- If head-to-head result is unavailable: Buchholzsystem.
- In both categories, the top 1-3 players will receivetrophies.
- *Special prize for the best-performing universityfaculty/organizational unit. This will be based on theresults of the top three chess players from the givenunit.