
E-SPORTS: Which game do you prefer?

08/02/2020 - 23:45

The E-sports Department of PTE-PEAC organizes the first university e-sports competition!

We would like to ask our more than 20,000 university citizens to vote which game you prefer to play with so we can organize the best e-sport happening for you!

According to our plans, after the first online round, we will hold a personal final in September, which we plan to be the largest and most modern e-sports event in the city of Pécs (if the circumstances will be adequate)!

Habár sporteredmények terén aligha volt erős az utóbbi időszak, most újra visszatérni látszik a sportélet, nem is akárhol, az EFOTT-on! A Strandkézilabda MEFOB-ra már várják a lelkes csapatokat, tudj meg többet és #Kattanj_rá a 20. UniSportra!


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