7. Ballroom Dancing - 2024/25 - I.

It contains both standard (English and Viennese waltz, tango, fox trot, quickstep, slow fox) and Latin-American (rumba, samba, cha-cha-cha, jive, paso doble) dances.

With its smooth movements and melodic music the slow English waltz spread in 1924. The Viennese waltz dates back to the 12th century, but it was made famous only six centuries later under the name: waltzer. Roots of the tango  go back to the Cuban habanera and the Argentine milonga, and it was danced in the brothels of the Buenos Aires harbours, which gave an erotic atmosphere to the style. Foxtrot is the combination of slow and fast steps done back and forth, combined with chassé, and has a slower version, slow fox, and a faster one, quickstep.  Rumba is of Cuban origin, expressing the lively Latin-American temper, but nowadays it has a slower version too. Samba is an ancient African national dance, having intermittent brief moves and a fascinating rhythm. Mambo is the jazzy form of rumba; the difference is mainly in the rhythm and the stress. Cha-cha-cha is an artificial dance, a variant of mambo and rumba. Paso doble is a Spanish dance where the man acts like a toreador in a bull-fight and the woman symbolizes the red robe, dancing around an imaginary bull. Jive was created by English dance instructors, making a socially acceptable form of lindy hop, boogie-woogie, rock & roll, with the use of slower music.

Mr. Józsa, János
Thursday 18:30-19:45
PTE Dance Studio (Ifjúság útja 6. Building B)